it is quite some time left to go until I am going to Pearson, but I couldn't keep myself from writing a first entry on this blog. There are so many things to be said already! Well, first of all, yesterday I finally received my official letter of admission. And that might have been the point were I finally realized that this is for real. I'm actually moving to Canada in less than five months. Although this might seem like ages from now, I know it is not. In February I received the news, and now almost a third of the time that I have left here at home has passed. Without me even noticing it. It scares me a little bit and at the same time I'm so overjoyed with the fact that summer holiday is approaching, which will give me time to just stop for a while and spend more time with my loved ones.
Meanwhile, as Pearson is sending out letters of admission all over the world, Facebook-groups and the like are created, which gives me the possibility of getting to know some of my prospective co-years already. This makes me over-excited and nervous at the same time. You couldn't possibly understand how eager I am to know more about the people that I'll spend the coming two years with. On the other hand, I so much want to leave as much as possible for the unknown and let it be a surprise for when I actually arrive. I want to come to Pearson with as few preconceived pictures and ideas as possible, both of the people and the campus.
A very nice second-year at Atlantic College gave me the tip to really "Carpe Diem". I try to be careful about spending to much time dreaming of my time at Pearson. My main focus right now is to spend as much time as possible appreciating what I have here. Meeting friends, finishing this school-year with good grades, spending time with my family and simply doing things I enjoy to do here. Because there is a lot. And now that I know that my days here I counted, I want to make the most out of it.
135 days to go.